Saturday, September 24, 2011

Symposium days... Contrast / Días de simposio... Contraste.

On the last morning of the 2nd International Urban Sketching Symposium I took the workshop "contrast" which I enjoyed very much because it gave me the opportunity to work in a total different way that I am used to and with new materials. I began by putting down first the colors, blocking the areas of light and shadows and then put down the line marks to built the drawing. Here are the results: 

En la última mañana del 2do Simposio Internacional de Dibujo Urbano tomé el taller de "contraste", el cual lo disfruté muchísimo por que me dio la oportunidad de trabajar de una manera totalmente nueva y usar nuevos materiales. Comencé por aplicar los colores, bloqueando las áreas de luz y sombra y luego fui poniendo las líneas que iban creando el dibujo final. El resultado: 

(you can view the images bigger by clicking on them / 
podrás ver las imágenes más amplias presionando sobre ellas)

I've already shown this one in a previous post but wanted to show all the drawings done in that session.

Este ya lo había mostrado en una entrada anterior, pero vuelvo a subirlo para mostrarle todo lo realizado en el taller:

Orling :-)


Vicky said...

I really like your experiments with contrasts. The sketches are very dramatic. The streetcar composition is terrific!
You're inspiring me to try this method--which is completely different from anything I've ever done.

Orling Dominguez said...

Thanks Vicky! it was really fun, go ahead and try it... :-) Limit yourself to only two colors and have fun!